Gebäude D4

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Alexander Mürmann
Prof. for Risk Management and Insurance
WU Vienna - Department for Finance, Accounting and Statistics
Research Interests

Behavioral Decision Theory, Asymmetric Information in Insurance Markets, 10bet online sports bettingFinancial Intermediaries, Solvency Regulation

Selected Publications
  • Geyer, A., Kremslehner, D., Muermann, A. (2020): Asymmetric Information in Automobile Insurance: Evidence from Driving Behavior, Journal of Risk and Insurance, 87 (4), 969-995.
  • Peer, S., A. Muermann, and K. Sallinger (2020): App-based Feedback on Safety to Novice Drivers: Learning and Monetary Incentives, Transportation Research Part F: Psychology and Behaviour, 71, 198-219.
  • Huang, R.J., Muermann, A., Tzeng, L.Y. (2016): Hidden Regret in Insurance Markets, Journal of Risk and Insurance, 83 (1), 181-216.
  • Filipovic, D., Kremslehner, R., Muermann, A. (2015): Optimal Investment and Premium Policies under Risk Shifting and Solvency Regulation, Journal of Risk and Insurance, 82 (2), 261-288; this paper won the 10bet online sports betting at the World Risk and Insurance Economics Congress in 2010.
  • Doherty, N.A., Laux, C., Muermann, A. (2015): Insuring Nonverifiable Losses, Review of Finance, 19 (1), 83-316.
  • Gollier, C., Muermann A. (2010): Optimal Choice and Beliefs with Ex Ante Savoring and Ex Post Disappointment, Management Science, 56 (8), 1272-1284.
  • Laux, C., Muermann A. (2010): Financing Risk Transfer under Governance Problems: Mutual versus Stock Insurers, Journal of Financial Intermediation, 19 (3), 333-354.
  • Braun, M., Muermann A. (2004): The Impact of Regret on the Demand for Insurance, Journal of Risk and Insurance, 71(4), 737-767; this paper won the Robert I. Mehr Award 2014 published in the Journal of Risk and Insurance ten years ago that has best stood the test of time.
  • 2020: Co-Editor (with Casey Rothschild) of Special Issue: Covid-19: the Economics of Pandemic Risks and Insurance, 2020, Geneva Risk and Insurance Review 45(2).
  • since 2019: Co-Editor-in-Chief, Geneva Risk and Insurance Review.
Stefan Pichler
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